Are you ready to tap into your potential?

The Power of Your Mind is Infinite

Release your fear. Change your habits. Rewrite your story. That's freedom.

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Get started now with my Walking Meditation

A walking meditation can calm the nerves, reduce stress, improve focus, and help with emotional regulation.  Studies show that mindfulness significantly reduces the symptoms of anxiety and depression. People who practice mindfulness tend not to respond to stressful triggers as intensely.

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Are you ready to rewrite your story?

I want to travel but I'm afraid to get on a plane.

I want to drive to see friends and family but I am afraid.

I have a habit that I can't seem to stop.

I feel blocked and I want something more.

I am afraid of an upcoming medical procedure.

I am afraid of needles and of getting shots.

I can't sleep and it is affecting my life.

I am affected by my loved ones behaviors and I want to let go.

I am so afraid to take action I go into a state of freeze.

I have not been able to release my anger, my guilt, my shame or my fear.

I am overwhelmed and stuck.

I am triggered by the behavior of other people.

What do all of these issues have in common?

They create barriers, boundaries and walls.

EFT & Hypnosis opens up your world and teaches you how YOU create change to go beyond these limitations.

Are you ready to get unstuck?

Schedule a free call to get started

“Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.”

Hi, I'm Jennie

My mission is to ensure that each and every client:

  1. Learns about their power to access their subconscious mind to create positive, meaningful and lasting change. 
  2. Achieves freedom by releasing fear, changing their habits and rewriting their story.

I teach tools and techniques to pave a way forward with hope, acceptance and self-love. 

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Jennie's Methods

EFT tapping (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and hypnosis are two powerful therapeutic approaches that, when used together, can complement and enhance each other's effectiveness. They bring together the best of both worlds in terms of emotional release, subconscious exploration, and relaxation. Each technique has its unique benefits, and together they can lead to greater insight, healing, personal growth and change. Here are just a few reasons why EFT tapping and hypnosis are so powerful together: 

• Hypnosis induces a deeply relaxed state, often referred to as a trance, where the mind becomes highly receptive to positive suggestions. When EFT tapping is incorporated into a session the relaxation response can be further enhanced, making it easier for you to connect with your emotion, release resistance or barriers and create CHANGE
• Both techniques empower clients to improve their own emotional well being. YOU learn how to use BOTH techniques on your own.
• The use of multiple techniques allows me to tailor the approach based on YOUR needs and what resonates with YOU. 

Emotional Freedom Technique    EFT

EFT: Emotional Freedom Technique   

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques, otherwise known as tapping.  Tapping is a natural and powerful stress relief technique based on the principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology.  The basic technique requires you to focus on a negative emotion—a fear, worry, or anything causing you stress—and while maintaining mental focus on the issue, you use your fingers to tap five to seven times on nine specific meridian points of the body.

According to experts, focusing on a challenge while simultaneously tapping on these acupressure points sends a calming signal to the brain, allowing you to acknowledge the negative emotion while calming the brain/body.   We don't only experience negative emotions in the mind, and we experience them physically as well.  Tapping is a true mind-body connection.

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Hypnosis is a natural, yet altered state in which our subconscious minds are open and receptive. 

From that place of responsiveness and receptivity, you can make profound, sustainable change. 

In hypnosis, you can shape your reality in positive and exciting ways, and you can actively make the changes necessary to bring about the desired result in your life.

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What Clients say after working with Jennie

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By Jennie Warner 03 Oct, 2023
Conquer Performance Anxiety with EFT
By Jennie Warner 17 Jul, 2023
How to best describe matrix reimprinting? Through a story … I was working with a client on limiting beliefs. A discovery session revealed that she held a particular (and not uncommon) belief that she was not good enough, that somehow she was ‘less than.’ This belief was getting in the way, particularly around starting and developing her new business. Although she had a robust product and detailed business plan, she was hesitant to market and promote herself. She felt stuck, like an imposter, like she couldn’t move forward. When I asked her what this belief might be linked to, she recalled a memory from when she was 6 years old. Because there was no real emotional charge in this memory, she was skeptical that there would be anything relevant, but it was the earliest memory that she could readily bring to mind. Going back into that memory, she described a time when she was six years old. She was able to picture a scene on the playground at school. There were a number of kids there, and one of the boys announced to the group that another girl (my client's best friend) was his first girlfriend and that she (my client) was his second girlfriend. We paused and froze the scene so that my client could approach her younger self. She told me that in that moment, her younger self wasn’t particularly emotional but just that she was aware that she was second in the ‘pecking order’ and that perhaps she wasn’t good enough to be chosen as the number one choice. After all, her best friend was pretty, fun, and friendly. My client imagined tapping on her younger self to acknowledge that she realized how her younger self was feeling at the time and to give her reassurance that an older version was there to help. When asked what that younger version of my client needed, she said that she just wanted to go play with her best friend. My client imagined this happening - she imagined her younger self and her best friend leaving the scene and playing. When checking in again with her younger self, she said she wanted to be reminded about how people make choices. In conversation with her younger self, my client used the analogy of cookies, saying ‘a chocolate chip cookie is not better than a peanut butter cookie but some people prefer one over the other. Both cookies are equally delicious’. When the younger version of my client heard this, she said that she wanted to imagine herself and her best friend feeling and showing love to themselves. My client was able to envision two little girls having fun, saying ‘I love ME’ and ‘I love YOU’ as they giggled, hugged, and played … Those little girls had been given the gift of self-love in that memory, knowing that self-love is the most precious gift that anyone can give themselves. As the session ended, I noticed tears rolling down my client's face. She was amazed at the depth of learning from this memory, and she was able to see how this younger version of herself made conclusions that helped to form the basis of her limiting belief. With the wisdom and insight of perspective, her younger self was able to realize the most important lesson of this moment. It was not about not being chosen first. It was about choosing to be loving, carefree, and joyful in the moment. My client left the session feeling confident, strong, and proud, agreeing to take steps to bravely take steps to promote herself and her business. This learning and these shifts are profound and transformative and they create the basis for empowered change.
newborn baby
By Jennie Warner 08 May, 2023
Many women, like my client Katie, develop a birth plan that outlines their hopes and dreams for their perfect birth experience. Often this serves as a guide to a birth that is completely aligned with their hopes and dreams. Sometimes, however, things do not go to plan, which can result in sadness, disappointment and self-doubt. Despite her plan for a calm and peaceful home birth, Katie had a difficult and traumatic birth experience which resulted in an emergency C-section. Her son was healthy, but the birth was chaotic and frightening, and Katie ended up feeling that somehow she failed, that her body failed, and that she did not give her first baby the birth that he deserved. I met Katie about 8 weeks before she was due to have her second baby. She reported that she has flashbacks to her previous experience and thus finds herself with feelings of anxiety around the upcoming birth. Additionally she feels a sense of guilt about having a C-section. As with many women, she is her own worst critic and in th
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